Sunday, June 8, 2014

                                                  23: House By Andrea

             In this assignment we had to build a house with measurements that we had and after that we had to make our own measurements. We used colors and desings to make our house look realistic. It was a really fun activity to do.

                                                     24: 3D view of the house

                  In tis assignment we had to chose any type of background that had to do with a place for a  house and we used different filters to make the house look like that. The results had to turn out like a 3D object and we had 3D glasses so we could test it out and see if we did it correctly.

                                                    25: Glowing button by Andrea

In this assignment we had to make a glowing button andwe had steps that we had to follow and the results was a button that glowed orange and it is a mini clip.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

                                                       21a : 2D shapes

In this activity I learned how to make 2d shapes and then we got a chance to make them in 3D way.

                                                              21b: My name

In this one is where we made the 2D shapes into 3D shapes and we had to write our name with the 3D  shapes.
22: Block #1 , 8x5x5

In this assignment we had to make our first block and we had to follow the right measurement.
22: Block #2, 8x5x5

In this one it was the same measurements for the lenght, width, and height but it was a different shape we had to make.
22: Block #3, 8x5x5

In this one we had to change the shape a little bit more and it was more steps than the other one.
22: Block #4, 6x5x4

In this assignment the measurements changed it was shorter and the other steps wer kinda the same.
22: Block #5, 8x6x5

The measurements for this one changed a little and it was a more challenging shape for me.
22: Block #6, 8x4x6

In this assignment we had to do different steps to get this kind of shape that was the result.
22: Block #7, 8x5x5

In this one we had to take a lot of parts out of this shape.
22: Block #8, 8x5x5

In this part we changed a little the measurements and this were the results of it.
22: Block #9, 8x5x5

This part is where it changed we had to use the formula for slope to get the right measurement and color the slope parts.
22: Block #10, 8x5x5

It was the same as the other one but the slopes were different and this was the result.
22: Block #11, 8x5x5

This one was the same as the others just different slopes as well.
22: block #12, 8x5x5

This one for me was the most complicated because there was some differences in it.
22: #9 quiz, 8x5x5

This was the quiz that we had to do and each person was assigned a different shape.

Friday, March 21, 2014

2nd marking period Assignments 11-20

                                                       11:flyer using Photoshop
I learned how to make my own flyer and I used all the different texts that we learned on the first marking period. It was a really fun activity to work on. 
12: linear burn
I learned how to put a design on a plain dress using photoshop. It was a really fun activity as well. 
13: Change one thing poster
I lerned how to make a poster as the original and just change some things like the picture for example. It was a really fun activity to do.
14a: Flag Displacement
I learned how to combine two objects together using adobe photoshop and I had fun working on it and it was interesting. 
14b: Selfie Displacement 
In this activity I learned how to put a mask on a picture of myself. It was using photoshop and it was a really fun activity.

                                                              15: Motion blur

In this activity we used a filter that was blur to make it seem as the bus was in motion. We used smart
filtering because it would make it more actional. The difference between normal and smart flter is that smart filter has more effect and you can adjust it and chose the part you don't want to blur out.
16: Quick masking

 Quick masking is a faster way to select the part you want to change instead of using the magnetic tool or other one that is for that. If you chose it with the other tool is differnet because is chosing is different and you could erase another thing.

                                                                  17: Soft filter

We used many things to get this glow and they were the blur and with the painbrush we had to clear the parts we did not wanted to blur. The layer that we had to take out for our final piece was the edited one.

                                                 18: USB by Andrea

  In this project I learned how to make a USB in a 3D view. We used Photoshop Illustrator for this project and I used the shape tools and we had to adjust the measurements in order to get the right shape. It was a really fun activity I learned how to use the gradient better and work with the shape tools.

                                                                    19a: Last name by Andrea

 In this project I used more the shape and line tools in the photoshop Illustrator. I had to write my last name using the line tool and shapes but before that I had to use the grid tool to select the number of the letters that we wanted and after writing our last name we had to take the grid out. We put a lot of shapes and lines around it. It was a really fun activity to do.

                                                     19b: Preparation for phone project

In this project we had to more than three steps to help us with the phone project and it was based on shape tools with the right measurements. In this one we used a tool called pathway and it has a cut tool that cuts the shape and we had to divide the shape as well. It was a really interesting project.

                                                                    20: Phone (test) by Andrea

In this project we had to do a phone. We had the steps and we had to use almost every tool for this project. We had to use the shape tool as well put the right measurements and use gradient as well. We had to use the pathway tool as well and there was new tools that I used for the first time and learned how to use them. We had to group the shape as well to give it a 3D look and to not separate them when we had to do something else. The gradient was a little different as well, we had to use any shadows. It took a long time for me to finish but I like the way it turn out and alignment was very important in this project and the number of copies of each shape. We had to use the text tool as well to write the numbers and letters in the phone. At the end we had to group everything together to ake the final piece. This project I really enjoy it and I liked the final piece.