Sunday, May 18, 2014

                                                       21a : 2D shapes

In this activity I learned how to make 2d shapes and then we got a chance to make them in 3D way.

                                                              21b: My name

In this one is where we made the 2D shapes into 3D shapes and we had to write our name with the 3D  shapes.
22: Block #1 , 8x5x5

In this assignment we had to make our first block and we had to follow the right measurement.
22: Block #2, 8x5x5

In this one it was the same measurements for the lenght, width, and height but it was a different shape we had to make.
22: Block #3, 8x5x5

In this one we had to change the shape a little bit more and it was more steps than the other one.
22: Block #4, 6x5x4

In this assignment the measurements changed it was shorter and the other steps wer kinda the same.
22: Block #5, 8x6x5

The measurements for this one changed a little and it was a more challenging shape for me.
22: Block #6, 8x4x6

In this assignment we had to do different steps to get this kind of shape that was the result.
22: Block #7, 8x5x5

In this one we had to take a lot of parts out of this shape.
22: Block #8, 8x5x5

In this part we changed a little the measurements and this were the results of it.
22: Block #9, 8x5x5

This part is where it changed we had to use the formula for slope to get the right measurement and color the slope parts.
22: Block #10, 8x5x5

It was the same as the other one but the slopes were different and this was the result.
22: Block #11, 8x5x5

This one was the same as the others just different slopes as well.
22: block #12, 8x5x5

This one for me was the most complicated because there was some differences in it.
22: #9 quiz, 8x5x5

This was the quiz that we had to do and each person was assigned a different shape.